Demand to the Mayor a shelter for hundreds of animals invasion

We invite you to sign this petition, for a project that we have introduced several years ago and have never given us answer, with your signature will help us to put pressure on the authorities to act.

Therefore we call the Mayor Carlos Ocariz of Sucre Municipality, Miranda State to fulfill its duty and promised in several meetings in his office (Office of the Mayor, Edf. Prestige Center Giorgio,

South Boleita. Caracas) from 2011, that promise has give some space (green area) belonging to the Municipality where to build the Animal Refuge or our team protectionist build it through donations and recyclable materials, this retreat will be a priority to home cats and canine temporarily until they get a fixed adopter and for some a fixed home because we know that not everyone will be adopted.

A place where tomorrow will not have the risk of being evicted by living in lands overrun as it is the case, and where they can live a day without having to get wet from rain or sick in the middle polluting environment where they are just right now, in addition to the mountain and lands that make up the floor ticks and fleas are often attracts.

Government authorities ignored all our requests.

This refuge incidentally, has more than 130 animals including cats and dogs being dogs the population, these animals are loved by almost anyone, for residents who live in the areas surrounding wish emphatically that go to other sites the animals, little affection they get is from their caregiver and their protectionist volunteers who ensure their integrity.

Site conditions are fatal, the site, in principle, is extremely small, and secondly, the land is anything but flat thing, every animal you want to move from one site to another should rise or fall on the lands that slip easily with any rain or earthquake, some animals do not have adequate places to sleep, or to protect themselves from high or low temperatures and strong sun or rain.

Added to the problems of structures have high and unpayable feeding costs, veterinary consultations, surgeries, medications, paying taxis days sterilization, vaccination and adoption, among others, are extremely difficult to control with this terrible inflation and shortages facing Venezuelan nation.

On June 30, 2016 we had heavy rains in the great city of Caracas and this affected us greatly because it happened so much we did not want, yielded a slope (land slid), these lands are the road connecting the Calle 12 to the shelter, leading to the entrance and exit of the Animal shelter, for the inhabitants of those lands invaded created a arrangements series to avoid many obstacles in passing, however difficult to move the daily diet [20 / 25kg of concentrate feed ( perrarina) or 40kg of shells, skins and chopped 5kg rice] animal and difficult step for children and the elderly.

After this first slide we believed that the authorities of the Sucre Mayoralty come to vacate the site and move to a safer one with the animals, but it was not, it's been 71 days and have not been answered by any means, much less personal many of its employees have several contact our team and every time we contacted them personally to demand the attention of this serious request only ignore our request.

Today more than ever we need your help to firm and spread, we believe that social and media pressure change will achieve a just and necessary for these 130 lives that are at stake.

According to the Law for the Protection of Fauna Domestica Free and Captivity (Official Gazette 39,338, Title III, Chapter I, Article 35: "Center rescue, recovery and care: Each Municipal authority shall establish a rescue center, recovery and care domestic animals, which will be attached to the unit of local governance on domestic animals and will have the qualified personnel. the functions and organizational structure of the center will be established in the regulations issued for this purpose. "

This article reminds us that all municipalities in every Venezuelan state must meet the stipulated LAW.


Heartfelt thanks for reading us and help us by signing the petition, to achieve the long-awaited and fought sleep.

Dear Mayor Ocariz,

We are waiting for his answer for a couple of years and the lands promised to give 2015 for the subsequent construction of the Animal Shelter, as we told if you do not have the resources we build it, but you need to take action makes as the days go and the slope is still sliding, do not believe that animals die convenient boarded up and some survivors wander in the streets of Palo Verde.

We expect you to act quickly and effectively.


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