Do you own a dog? Have you owned a dog? What if an officer came to your home and took your dog out of it's home and ethanized him/her? Well, that's what happened in Prince George's County. Back in 1997, the county passed a law banning the Pitbull and Pitbull Mixes. Anyone caught with a pitbull would be arrested for upto 6 months and face a fine upto $1000.00. And needless to say that dog was later euthanized. Why do we discriminate against a dog who has done nothing wrong. Pitbulls for one are not a pure bred dog. It's a cross between an American Bulldog and an American Bull Terrier. So should we ban them too? The answer NO! It was never the dog breed.
Pitbulls were originally bred to hunt with humans. Later down the road, they became "bait" dogs and once again transformed into "bull" dogs or "fighting dogs". Truthfully, there are the sweetest dogs on earth. You can walk upto to a pitbull and it's owner and the dog would be perfectly fine with you petting it. However, if you walk upto to Chihuahua or Yorkie owner, there dogs turning into man eating machines. Last year, several Maryland Counties were quick to report a "pitbull" bite but if it was a another breed, forget about it. Can you even tell the difference from a pitbull and these other dogs. Many dogs are mistaken for Pitbulls, like the Boxer, Presa Canario, English Bulldog, English Labrador, American Bull Dog, and American Staffordshire Terrier.
It's getting out of hand. We shouldn't punish the dog for it's actions because it was raised that way by the owner. Punish the owner and rehome the dog to a more responsible owner. Please help me lift the Pit-Bull ban and raise awareness to the dog breed and bring these animals out the spotlight. If your a dog owner, if you've ever owned a dog, or if your a pit-bull owner today, no matter what state or county you live in, please help us lift the ban and let the responsible pet owners get there beloved dogs back home.