Every day, hundreds of thousands of factory-farm animals are skinned, beaten, and abused.
2-3 chickens are crammed into cages the size of a piece of paper. They never get to see light or sunshine (even in organic farms). Instead, they are thrown, stepped on, and strangled by abusive farm workers. They are injected with steroid hormones that cause them to become so unnaturally fat that they can no longer move. They live in their own fesces, with mounds ranging from 2-10 inches high. Baby chicks are hurled into slaughter machines that chop them up using medal blades, if they are lucky. If they aren't, then they are first thrown at the walls or floors, for the enjoyement of the workers.
Cows are stuffed into pens, where many break bones trying to move in the incredibly crowded and overfilled space. They are milked by machines that yank at and hurt their utters. The only glimpse of light that they see is when their 'owners' open the 'stable' doors to either physically abuse or kill them.
Pigs are raised practically on top of each other. They, too, are fattened up by the use of dangerous steroids. When they are a few months old and already 3 times the size of a normal (wild) pig, they are slaughtered by having their limbs cut off, eyes poked out, or necks stabbed.
Please, help us end this incredibly horrifying animal abuse. HELP US END THE BEATING OF MILLIONS OF ANIMALS BY CONFRONTING THE ISSUE AT THE SOURCE; THE COMPANIES THAT PROMOTE IT. Above are listed just a few of the companies/restaurants/stores that support and carry through this abuse. Researching companies in doubt, boycotting those companies, and SIGNING this petition are the first steps in BRINGING HUMANITY BACK INTO THIS WORLD.
To find out more, here is a list of articles/videos:
"..the question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being?" -Jeremy Bentham