Dear All;
FourPaws International has made Kimi the white fox-pup the `face´ of their NO-FUR campaign of this year. Kimi is located in a fur `producing´ site in Finland (not Norway - sorry, my fault) - SAGA furs ... and `belongs´ to Burberry.
For years upon years the fur-industry claims that their conditions are `humane´, but to this date they have never ever been able to give proof. Small wonder - keeping animals in extremely small cages, their sensible paws standing on mesh-wire is hardly humane.
Last week activists for animal welfare offered the local Burberry shop in Vienna a check of 40000.- EURO as `ransom´ for Kimi and his fellow-sufferers. Burberry´s office refused the check and refused to talk with the protesters.
O.K.: Burberry has made it clear that they prefer to continue their bloody, inhumane policy of making dirty profit by keeping up their fur-trade for `fashionable´ Burberry items.
Four Paws had pledged that they would provide a suitable environment for KIMI and his fellows ... in case Burberry would see reason and hand over possession of Kimi and his fellows for ransom-money.
Now - let´s talk back to Burberry in the only language that Burberry seems to be able to talk in and understand: turnover and profit.
DON´T BUY a single item from Burberry or SAGA-furs. Significantly lower their turnover and dirty profit in the name of `fashionable vanity´.
Please DO SIGN Four Paws fur-free petition (internet-adress given as the `aimed-at´) - and boycot Burberry and Saga-furs.
Thank You ALL!
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