Stop the Corruption

  • by: Sarah Conner
  • recipient: Nickelodeon, Dreamworks Animation

To end the corruption, money-waste, nonsense, and mockery of Kung Fu Panda:Legends of Awesomeness

Dear Nickelodeon and Dreamworks animation,

Spinning a television series off a movie franchise is one of the worst mistakes to be made. Just because a popular feature film makes success on the big screen doesn't mean it should attempt in vain to transition to the small screen. 

In the average TV show based on a movie, the animation is of poor quality compared to the movie, at least half the original cast is replaced with third-rate soundalikes, and the plots and continuity are even less realistic and are of poor  
thinking and sense. A spinoff TV show is like a cheap, rusty old wallet and overall deprives the franchise of all that is truly good, dark, deep, and important to it.

It has angered me so much that you would even consider such a thing. The very existance of the show has literally caused me an immense amount of suffering and frustration.
So I ask that for the sake of money, time, and devoted veteran fans like myself, you permantly cancel Kung Fu Panda:Legends of Awesomeness and plans for any future episodes. I firmly believe that if a movie franchise is to be truly successful, it must be kept on the big screen where it belongs. I would also suggest permantly canceling all the other spinoff shows you've made as well as  plans for future ones.
Thank you in advance,
Sarah Conner

P.S. I don't mean to be angry with you, but it is the truth 

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