• by: CR Rosen
  • recipient: Mayor Bloomberg

This action is important so animals who can't speak can have a chance at a better life, rather than being killed at ACC.

The Manhattan ACC not only euthanizes (kills) thousands of cats, dogs, rabbits and other animals yearly, but the place is way too small! I couldn't believe how small it is when I saw it - I usually avoid this depressing place. There is not only not enough money given to ACC to bring to good health and behavior the steady influx of pets brought there that need medical care and/or training, (although many dogs and cats are adoptable but perhaps scared to be in such a place) but there is also not enough space to accommodate them - especially after a major hurricane that recently came through. To make room for displaced pets after Superstorm Sandy, animals that were already in the ACC were euthanized. This place should be enlarged, improved, brightened, perhaps built in another location as well, rather than East Harlem, AND adoptions must be made the main focus. Not just relying on rescue groups to take the animals on the euth list. A bigger ACC means more animals can be saved and find permanent homes!

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