Demand to end banded breeds in Schnoover Park.

The pit bull is a breed of dog with a connotation that has been skewed by misrepresentation of evidence and flat out lies. Pitbulls do not inherently attack more than any other breed. Pit bulls may attack often, but this may just be because they are trained to do so. People buy pit bulls because they want tough dogs that can attack and be violent, so the dogs are trained in a manner that promotes this. However, this quality is not inherent. If pit bulls were banned, dog owners who wanted dogs that could fight would just train another dog breed such as german shepherds to do the same thing. Therefore, banning pit bulls would make no progress. We have to see that pit bulls are not inherently dangerous; they have a connotation of being dangerous so more people who want dangerous dogs train them to be this way. Experts agree that with proper training pit bulls are just as safe as any other dog breed. Just because pit bulls attack more than any other dog doesn't mean that they attack a lot or a dangerous amount of the time. Let's say that the chances of winning the lottery are 1 in 1 billion, and someone buys 5 tickets. They are 5 times more likely to win the lottery than someone who bought only 1 ticket, but are they likely to win the lottery? Their chances are still 5 in 1 billion, or almost nothing. This applies the same way to pit bulls. Even if it was determined that pit bulls were 5 times more likely to attack than any other dogs, that could mean that 5 out of 1 million pit bulls will attack in their lifetime instead of 1 out of 1 million. The point is the evidence that shows pit bulls are more likely to attack than other dogs is misinterpreted to mean that they are likely to attack. - See more at: characteristics and banning it would make no progress in safety.

Also do you know they do not find homes for pitbull at shelters or Spca. i have been a vet tech for 15 years and I know this for a fact, hundreds of pit bulls are put to sleep a month just because they are pitbulls. They will put your dog to sleep. Does your loyal best friend who you have trained to be well behave deserve to die because of a new policy. whats next are certain races of people going to be turned away from renting because the color of their skin, its the same thing!!!

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