Support a Combined Veteran's Memorial in Central Park for Lyons

The new memorial to our County's Civil War soldiers is a great addition to Central Park.  We'd like to see existing Veteran's memorials kept in Central Park as a symbolic unifying location. For many years there has been monuments in Central Park honoring ALL Veterans who served in the military in ALL wars.

IF you believe Central Park should honor ALL military veterans and all military wars, then please sign this petition so we can present this to the Town Board. We want ALL the Veterans plaques, monuments, and statues to be together in Central Park.

Update #15 months ago
**Update is by Andrew DeWolf*** Please SHARE everywhere! Help us reach the Goal of 700! James Brady said he had 700 votes that indicated he could do as he wished! Let's send him 700 that say we want our VETERANS Memorials kept together in a symbolic Central Park location ALL can enjoy!
Sign Petition
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