Review of "Meat Export Policy"

“Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test…consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals

We all understand very well that animals also have the equal right to co-exist in this world and we will be moving towards our end if we do not protect the animals today.

Its high time that we try our level best to protect the life cycle process which protects our existance on the planet earth.

Lets take example of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle who act as lifeguard for small and marginal indian farmers who do not have land more then 1-2 acres and they cannot afford to have heavily capital intensive agricultural equipments like tractors even after the government provides heavy subsidy on it. Its a great worry and cause of concern when we hear that farmers have to sell their cattle as they dont have money to eat.

Several measures can be taken by the government in this regard as if the farmer sells his cattle under any circumstances and that cattle goes for slaughter , its not just the loss of 1 cattle the same cattle would have helped the farmer cultivate land that will server to provide foodgrains to 1000 people.

We have observerd in recent times that the govt. rather then laying emphasis on creating cattle breeding infrastructure are laying more emphasis on pink revolution and wanting to create more slaughter houses that will kill our cattle for "MEAT EXPORT", which should be stopped immediately.

If the Govt. lays out a plan that will create breeding of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle, these animals will help

1. Farmers to do farming

2.Fodder for the naimals can come from the farmers themselves i.e from what they grow, so there will be no scarcity of fodder for the cattle.

3.The cattle with the give milk that will earn good money to the farmers, which they have been doing for years now.

4. The dung of these cattle will act as manure and that itself accroding to estimates will earn far better revenue to the government rather then revenue generated from meat export.

5. This Bio fertilizer can be used for better farming and avoid the use of pesticides to a large extent and help provide good health to the people of the country.

6.There will be a green revolution and farm output can increase multifold with the use of technology in farming and cattle together looking at the overall economy.

7. The Government will have to give out less subsidy to the farmers.

8. The banks will not have to wave of the loan amounts given to farmers as they can well repay their loans easily.

9. The consumers will get the farm products at a resonable rates in these inflationary environment.

10. Last but not the least the Government will be more stable as the economy will be growing and every person under their leadership will feel to be taken care of.

So all in all its very necessary for the Govt. to review their "Meat Export Policy " and move towards protecting, preserving and  improving the animal breed by putting a stop on slaughter of cattle.

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