Dump Dairy to Save a Badger

    The culling of badgers in England has started again!
    The target this year – the slaughter of 33,000 badgers.
    According to the British Government, it is an absolute necessity in the fight to eradicate bovine tuberculosis (bTB).
    – That is despite massive public protest in the opening years, leading to them all but concealing the fact that the cull is still happening.
    – That is despite the fact that all scientific evidence suggests that culling badgers can make no meaning difference to the spread of bTB – a fact first documented by the government’s own study (the Krebs report).
    – That is despite the fact that in Wales a policy of cattle monitoring, bio-security measures and vaccination has seen more than four times the reduction in bTB cases compared to England over the same period, without a single badger being culled.
    – That is despite the extraordinary cost to the taxpayer. In 2015, when the cull was still limited to just two counties, the annual bill exceeded 16 million pounds. The cull has now been rolled out across the majority of the South West, with continued expansions intended in successive years, so the costs will also increase proportionately.
    Sadly, for whatever reasons, the Government is clearly not going to change its tune. Nor is the National Farmers Union, which you would think would want to do right by its members and promote the Welsh model to gain immediate benefits for farmers. Yet the NFU repeatedly claims that the government has not gone far enough, and despite quoting the line ‘No one wants to kill badgers,’ proposes culling on a scale that would see the species pushed towards extinction.
    So, if neither of these bodies is prepared to listen, what can be done?
    We can make our feelings known to the dairy industry itself. Both distributers and major supermarkets have been approached in the past, but have chosen to accept the government’s ‘facts’ over contrary evidence.
    So, I am asking that you join me in a protest against this needless cull by pledging to ditch all dairy products throughout the month of November 2017. If you can also write a letter to your chosen supermarket, letting them know of your protest, then that will help to drive the message home.
    If we can gain the attention of the business end of this sorry story, perhaps we can still make a difference.
    Thank you.

    We, the undersigned, have decided to ditch all dairy products throughout the month of November in protest against England’s unnecessary and unscientific Badger Cull.
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