Tell New Jersey to make the right decision for Pedals the bi-pedal bear

  • by: Lisa Rose-Rublack
  • recipient: Governor Chris Christie; David Chanda, Director, NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife

Help Pedals the Bear go from a struggling life in a NJ neighborhood to a beautiful bear sanctuary in upstate NY.

He is a bi-pedal bear and he can only walk upright. He is missing one front paw and the other is permanently injured. He roams the local neighborhoods that he calls home in NJ looking for his next meal. He does not have the capability of running from what he may consider a threat, he cannot climb trees as most black bears do.

He sticks to the local neighborhood because he cannot compete with the much larger bears in the area or navigate some of the tough mountain terrain. He lays down in the middle of the road with exhaustion.

Now with the news media he has become a celebrity of sorts and is now followed by paparazzi! He can't run from them either!

The people of NJ and now the world have been following Pedals' story and trying to get him help when finally his ship came in. The Orphaned Wildlife Center of Otisville NY has been helping bears for over 50 years. They are prepared to build Pedals a suitable environment- including adaptations to this environment to enable him to function easier - to take him in and provide him assistance. In fact people for Pedals have raised over $21,000 to support the building of this environment. It will not cost the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife a penny. In fact, we hope for their assistance after the right decision has been made

Tell the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife that we want to help Pedals get to sanctuary and tell them to make the right decision and let the sanctuary bring him to safety. Sign this petition and support Pedals to go from a struggling life to a peaceful place where he will be cared for the rest of his life.

For further info and updates, be sure to follow Pedals Facebook page

Update #38 years ago
PEDALS IS BACK! He's been seen all summer, and has even made national news. Right now there's a poll on this local news page: Please vote to send pedals to a sanctuary - then share the petition with your friends! Let's get NJ to act now before hunting seasone!! Thanks for caring about Pedals!
Update #28 years ago
BIG NEWS: We're delivering your petition signatures to the New Jersey State House on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 12:30. Click here to RSVP and join us!! Can't make it to Trenton? NP -Tweet Gov. Christie & Share the petition on FB. Pedals needs YOU!
Update #18 years ago
Pedals needs more help! Please tweet @chrischristie #savepedalsthebear or call Gov office 609-292-6000 and leave a comment to Help Pedals get to a Sanctuary in NY. Be his voice
Click to share on Facebook, and FORWARD in emails for those not on social media. ALL, please like Pedals' FB page for more on how YOU can help <3 Lisa Rose and Pedals' team.
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