During an illegal search and seize of his home where officers denied/failed to present then months later utilized a fraudulent search warrant; Cashus was chased down by LMPD SWAT team officers in Louisville, Kentucky and shot multiple times simply for trying to run away from them and get to his 16-year old Handler whom was screaming and being held at gunpoint. He never once showed any signs of aggression and officers were advised upon their entry to the home that he was a lisenced support animal. After he was initially shot, Cashus continued his attempt in getting away but was cornered by officers in a narrow hallway and shot multiple times for no reason. There needs to be a law put in place that calls for animal handlers to assist whenever any are involved and to have no breed discrimination as the ESA laws state. Ask Police Chief Steve Conrad and the Department of Justice to Terminate these officers and charge them with felony animal cruelty for the many innocent animal lives that have been lost to careless policing and abuse of athority!