We have a thriving Barbershop in the Roy community called Tailored Barber Co. We have served the Roy community in our current location the last 5 years. It has been a great pleasure working with and in the Roy community as well as serving our clients who drive from all over to include Park City, UT. We sponsor Roy High Schooling events every year, we have a client Appreciation where everyone in the community is welcome to come get a plate of food as we grill outside of our shop from 11am-5pm, we participate in the parade and Roy days every year, we always donate to any fundraiser or raffle being done in the community, and have done several fundraisers ourselves to financially support clients with cancer, or other health conditions where all proceeds during the fundraiser go to them, we offer a Military, firefighter, Veteran, and Police HERO discount to all those who’ve served this country since the day we opened 6 years ago! We have a great reputation in the community as we are a family business who accept all walks of life and we pride ourselves on meeting any client where they are in life and making them feel like a million bucks by the time they leave our shop.

    We survived COVID and that alone is a great accomplishment. We all now as a world are just trying to survive the inflation. We are a family owned and operated Barbershop and as a family we came up with a plan when prices started to increase all over the board- to maximize the current space that we have at our Barbershop and open a tattoo shop within our 1,560 sq ft building space, which our landlord agreed. We have remodeled our shop in accordance with Roy City building permits which we have passsed, and with the approval of the Weber County Health Department which just passed inspection for sanitation, plumbing, and all requirements. We have invested a large amount of money- upwards of $10,000 in hopes of opening the tattoo shop, making the money back, profiting to help counteract the current economic climate curveballs, and helping drive the Roy City economy. There are 3 driving factors in which the Roy City ordinance that was written November 19, 2013 (9 years ago) factors the approval of a Tattoo shop. Those are: 1- Has to obtain and maintain good standing a proper license from the Weber-Morgan Health Department 2- Cannot be within 600 ft. of a school, church, or community center 3- Only 1 tattoo shop per every 10,000 people in the community is allowed. PAY ATTENTION TO #3.
    The zoning restrictions are at the bottom of this post.

    We began this journey 3 months ago after our approval from the Weber County Health Department and we obtained our Body Arts License. We then met with the Roy City planner who advised us of these restrictions. We are not within 600 ft of a school, community center nor a church, we have the proper Body Arts Licensing, all we needed was for the population to be at 40,000 people to open. To our surprise 3 months ago the 2020 census records indicated that there was only 39,411 people in Roy, we were told that the 2021 census would be released in April or May and if 40,000 then we would then be allowed to be the 4th tattoo shop in Roy as there is already 3 in the area- all located on Main street whereas we are located 10 minutes from all of the current Tattoo shops. During this time we were told by several city officials, as well as local realtors- that they believe beyond a doubt population is at or over 40,000 people. Since there was a 3 month gap in between us learning the current status and the 2021 census data being released- we decided to begin the renovations so that when the census was released we wouldn’t have to waste anymore time and we could open upon receiving our business license through the city. During this time we had to obtain a building permit from Roy City to have a hand sink plumbed in the remodeled room, this costing $3,000 because our closest drain was located at the very back of our 1,560 sq ft building, the remodel of the room, flooring had to be ripped out and new install per weber county requirements of smooth surface flooring in a bodys arts facility, our door frame is for a commercial door so to have a commercial grade door that closes on its own installed $3500, plumbing as mentioned above $3,000, equipment, etc. costing close to $10,000 was all done, Health Department approved, Body Arts license obtained, etc., we're just waiting for the census and we'll be open for business!

    Fast forward to this morning at 8am when the 2021 census was released and to our surprise moved from 39,411 in 2020 to 39,358 in 2021. If you know like I do—this is not accurate, this is actually extremely inaccurate. In the 3 month waiting period for the census to be released I spoke with The department of the Census Bureau statistic professionals in Washington DC as well as Maryland who informed me several times that the Census is an estimate- and not entirely accurate. Look around you in Roy- How many new developments and housing communities have moved in the past 1-2 years and you mean to tell me population didn’t increase BUT instead it decreased by 53 people. The census is only accurate if every person who receives it in the mail fills it out and sends it back in the rest of the population within the city who did not send it in the Census Bureau then guesses or “estimates” the remaining population. So because the “estimate” came back under 40,000 people- we now cannot open our business that we not only invested so much money but also blood, sweat, and tears into.

    Since learning this early this morning I have spoke with Roy city officials who have advised that I gather research from our surrounding cities on what their ordinances are regarding Tattoo shops. Since 10am this morning I have learned that NONE of our surrounding cities have this zoning ordinance, most all of the surrounding cities Tattoo Shop zoning ordinances are based on location, commercial zoning, and being within a certain distance from other tattoo shops- none have this demographic/population rule. Clearfield city did at one time have this same ordinance but within the last 1-2 years changed it because they seen a market need/ drive to stop limiting based on population, because just as mentioned above- population census data is not always accurate and therefor that alone could prohibit allowing a business to open and in turn help the economy.

    Even though this is not what we wanted to do-- We are in too deep to stop now so--The game plan now is to gather research, have as many letters and signatures on this petition as possible, and to go to the Roy City Council Meeting with all of this in hand to request that they change the ordinance to reflect the same opportunities given by all of our surrounding cities. If approved we will have to pay another $500 to have the language changed, but we are willing to do what it takes.

    Tattoos in some folks minds is very taboo as in maybe these types of establishments will bring down the community, bring in the riff-raff, or create a culture that may be against their religious beliefs. We understand everyone’s perspective, and we are here to help change the minds of those who see this more as something taboo, and asking that they give an opportunity for artists, our small business, and the individual professionals within our shop to thrive in this community. Whether this falls in line with your moral code, religious beliefs, etc. one thing remains and that is that in 2022- 9 years after this Roy City Ordinance was written- there is a high market demand for this industry in this community and this can only help drive Roy City’s economy. The market size of the Tattoo artist industry in the US has grown 8.4% per year on average from 2017-2022, The market size of the tattoo artists industry is expected to increase 5.4% in 2022, The market size measured by revenue, of the tattoo Artist industry is $1.4 Billion in 2022.

    We as owners cannot change what the Census data says, even though we know how inaccurate it can be- all we can do is request that the ordinance be changed to allow us to open. That is the purpose for this message and petition. We need our community’s help!
    Please sign, share, GET THE WORD OUT! You can also e-mail us a letter if you see a want or need for this in the community at

    If you made it this far, THANK YOU!!!

    10-17-1: Tattoo & Body Art. Establishments engaged primarily in the practice of physical
    body adornment or modification, including but not limited to body piercing,
    tattooing, branding or scarification. All Tattoo & Body Art establishments
    shall obtain and maintain in good standing a proper license from the
    Weber-Morgan Health Department. Tattoo & Body Art establishments may not be
    located closer than six hundred (600) feet to any other such establishment as
    defined, or to any church, school or other community gathering place. The number
    of such facilities licensed within the city limits may not exceed one per every
    ten thousand (10,000) or portion thereof of the most recent United States Census Bureau estimated population of Roy City. The hours of operation are limited to between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. No minors shall be allowed on the premises without an accompanying adult guardian. (Ord. 1060, 11-19-2013)
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