Justice for Lilly

Before you read any further, please imagine Lilly as your fur-baby. She was a protector, Best friend, loyal companion, and everything in between! Loosing her was like loosing a child. My husband and I got her as a kitten. Trail walks and cuddles were her absolute favorite. She was 100% indoor cat that would go on hikes with us and stay more loyal than any dog. She was a rare find. She had our hearts since day one. We are torn and broken, but from the broken pieces we will build a force to get Justice so no living being can be hurt by Mike and Dawn Arendt ever again! The reason we made this is because We want Justice for our 9 year old cat Lillian. She was held captive abused and starved as her family desperately looked for her. The owners own uncle MIKE ARENDT did this for a month and than had his wife DAWN ARENDT   Lilly's starved beaten body outside to be found by a Good Samaritan who had to put LILLy out of her misery due to SEVERE  HEAD TRAUMA , NEGLECT and STARVATION, also BOTH back legs were broken. We need justice because the cops were called and told LILLY WAS STILL inside the 'multiple convicted felons' home. The cops arrived but DID NOT enter the home to check. Over a month later her beaten body was found out by the mailbox in front of The uncle and aunts (mike Arendt and Dawn Arendt) home. Camera footage caught DAWN ARENDT and son at the scene where Lilly was found. Witnesses say she claimed she DID NOT know who's cat she was ,when indeed she knew Lilly WELL! Yet no one has been arrested yet. Please sign if you wouldn't want this man In Your home town and if you demand JUSTICE FOR LILLY !!!!
For more information please check out #JusticeForLilly on Facebook

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