End the Abuse, Stop Grandparent Alienation Now!

    We together need to protect the sanctity of the relationship between a loving grandparent and the children that love them. In order to achieve this, laws will have to change. As written Ohio State Law limits which grandparents are afforded rights and which ones are not according to circumstance. Some of these circumstances include:
    * Parents divorce
    * Parents death
    * Custody hearing
    * Child Support hearing and the like.
    This is the problem and the solution is simple. We need to pass laws that restrict grandparent alienation. Grandparents should be able to file for visitation/companionship rights any time and under any circumstance, when they are being denied access to their grandchild(ren). Access should only be denied when the court finds the grandparent unfit to provide a safe and secure environment while with the child.
    I for one have many fond memories of the time spent with my grandparents, it was them that instilled the fortitude in me to fight for what I believe in and what I believed in was them. I am sure most of you have memories of your grandparents and the time with them. I am also certain that we need to make sure future generations, as well as the children right now, have the right to make those memories. Signing this petition is the first step to stop senseless alienation of grandparents. Let us stand together and make it possible for a grandparent to petition the court for legal and binding visitation rights at any time without needing any circumstance other than your rights being denied.
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