Keep Narberth Green!

Keep Narberth Green!

What's going on? Narberth Council has announced plans to move forward with a Request for Proposals for redevelopment of the 201 Sabine Avenue property (currently owned by the Borough). The proposed plan of action has the potential to cost big money, displace current users of the property & cause traffic problems, especially considering the recent influx of apartment complex development & the partial closure of the Narberth Bridge.

Background: The property, owned by Narberth, includes a public park (Sabine Park) & generates substantial rental income via leasing space in the former Narberth School building (onsite). The current arrangement allows for a non-profit daycare & the Narberth Foodbank to operate, as well as other tenants with strong community interests. Further, the rental income from this property allows Narberth to operate without raising taxes (Narberth's taxes already exceed Lower Merion). Several Council members have discussed various ideas for this property (public housing, apartments, retail shops, etc.). Although a viable plan has not yet been proposed, Friends of Sabine Park & neighbors like you are working to get ahead on this issue.

Friends of Sabine Park is looking for your support of our petition to encourage Council to:

  • Amend the zoning code to ensure that any new building at 201 Sabine will not exceed the current footprint & height
  • Amend the zoning code to ensure that retail shops & apartments are never at this location
  • Implement a conservation easement on our park (the Borough's 2nd largest green space!)
  • Enhance the existing park in size, provide community services & demonstrate what Narberth is all about – it is time for Narberth to spend more resources on maintaining our current infrastructure – the current plan seems to be (eventual) forced redevelopment through lack of maintenance

Visit or email to inquire of more ways to support our cause!

Let's do this together – Sabine Avenue needs your support!

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