Palm oil is cheap to produce and reaps massive profits for the ever more greedy corporations who produce it and use it as an ingredient in foods.
The deal is not so great for the 1000s of species of birds, primates, animals, amphibians, and insects who are wiped out as their rainforest habitat is burnt, bulldozered and destroyed so that endless tracts of palm trees can be planted for the production of palm oil to feed the inhumanly greedy pockets of the shareholders and owners of the corporations, and the mouths of consumers worldwide who just want cheap food.
But as a consumer, you can change things, and slowly food companies are realising that the use of palm oil is totally destructive and unsustainable. So lets tell Foodstuffs that we wont be buying any of their palm oil containing products until they make the change.

Dear Foodstuffs NZ, 

as customers of yours, we demand that you remove palm oil as an ingredient from all of your grocery lines and replace it with a sustainable product.

The production of palm oil causes irreparable environmental damage on a massive scale.

We will not purchase any product containing palm oil from your company.

Kind Regards

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