Help Keep The Galveston Federal Judge In Galveston!

We are petitioning to keep the Federal Judge in Galveston County.  There is an attempt to move the Federal Judge from Galveston to Harris County.  This would create problems for the coastal counties of Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, and Matagorda Counties.  As Judge Susan Criss so eloquently said, This would deprive us of our right for a jury trial by our peers. 

Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee, Ron Paul, and John Conyers will fight to keep the Federal Judge in Galveston.  We need to show them that we will fight too!  Please help us in this fight.  Sign the petition and send it to your neighbors and friends.


    Marcey Casey
Petition To Maintain a Full-Time Federal Judicial Seat in Galveston County
We the undersigned, petition Congress to maintain a full-time federal judicial seat in Galveston.  

1. The U.S. Federal Courthouse in Galveston is the oldest federal court in Texas. It was created in 1846, almost 20 years before the Emancipation Proclamation was announced from Ashton Villa in Galveston.
2. Galveston is adjacent to Bolivar Roads, one of the busiest waterways in the world, serving such diverse interests as the cruise shipping, petrochemical, energy, and bulk shipping industries. The Galveston Division of the Southern District of Texas has regularly managed a heavy case load of admiralty, maritime, environment, and administrative actions in the middle of a site that is also important for federal security concerns. 

3. The Galveston Federal Court is essential to furnishing justice to the citizens of a large and diverse Galveston, Chambers, Brazoria, and Matagorda Counties. The need for a full-time court has recently been heightened by the impact of Hurricane Ike and the anticipation that thousands of Ike-related claims will soon be filed
under the exclusive federal jurisdiction in Galveston.  
In conclusion, we the citizens of Galveston, Chambers, Brazoria, and Matagorda Counties, hereby respectfully petition the Congress of the United States to maintain a full-time federal judge in the Galveston Division of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas.  Thank you for your attention in this matter.
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