Tell Adidas to Stop Using Kangaroo Shoe Leather

Australia barbarically kills over a million kangaroos annually- a massacre that is so big that it has been labeled the largest killing of land based wildlife in the world.

Kangaroos are targeted by shooters driving trucks with bright lights designed to spot and startle kangaroos. Although the shooters are supposed to kill them by a head shot, many kangaroos are shot in the neck, jaw or chest which causes a slow and excruciating death. Mother kangaroos with furless joeys or 'at foot' young are also brutally shot leaving countless joeys orphaned and at risk of dying from exposure to cold, starvation and predation from wild dogs and foxes.

'Furless' joeys can be killed by decapitation, while furred joeys can be hit over the head with a metal pipe.

Australia is making a big profit from killing kangaroos, with kangaroo meat being exported to over 55 countries worldwide. The abused bodies of one of the most loved animals in the world are turned into everything from pet food and meat for human consumption to souvenirs such as coin purses made from kangaroo scrotum and even football boots.

We ask Adidias to stop using kangaroo leather- it only encourages this brutal massacre.

Adidas CEO Herbert Hainer
Glenn Bennett
Robin J. Stalker
Erich Stamminger
5055 N Greeley Ave
Portland, OR USA 97217
Phone: 971-234-2300

Australia barbarically kills over a million kangaroos annually- a massacre that is so big that it has been labeled the largest killing of land based wildlife in the world.

Kangaroos are targeted by shooters driving trucks with bright lights designed to spot and startle kangaroos. Although the shooters are supposed to kill them by a head shot, many kangaroos are shot in the neck, jaw or chest which causes a slow and excruciating death. Mother kangaroos with furless joeys or 'at foot' young are also brutally shot leaving countless joeys orphaned and at risk of dying from exposure to cold, starvation and predation from wild dogs and foxes.

'Furless' joeys can be killed by decapitation, while furred joeys can be hit over the head with a metal pipe.

Australia is making a big profit from killing kangaroos, with kangaroo meat being exported to over 55 countries worldwide. The abused bodies of one of the most loved animals in the world are turned into everything from pet food and meat for human consumption to souvenirs such as coin purses made from kangaroo scrotum and even football boots.

We ask Adidias to stop using kangaroo leather- it only encourages this brutal massacre.

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