New York: Make Declawing Cats Illegal

  • by: Alicia Graef
  • recipient: New York Legislature, Committee on Agriculture

New York could be the first state in the nation to ban declawing all types of felines if a groundbreaking bill introduced by Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal passes.

The bill, A 1297, would ban declawing of cats and other animals and would hold hold both veterinarians and owners accountable under current penal law, with exceptions for cases where the procedure would be medically necessary to treat an underlying condition.

While declawing remains a controversial topic among vets, animal advocates and cat owners, the fact remains that it isn't a simple procedure that merely removes a cats' nails. Rather, the procedure, which is formally known as a onychectomy, involves surgically removing the last joint in a cat's toe to which the nail is attached. For cats, it's a ten-toe amputation and it is not done for their benefit.

Scratching is a natural behavior for cats that they use to mark territory, maintain their nails and stretch, while their claws help them climb and defend themselves. There are dozens of safe and effective alternatives for cat owners to turn to if they are dealing with destructive behavior that do not include physical mutilation.

Please sign the petition urging New York lawmakers to take the lead on this issue  by supporting this bill and making their state the first to ban this inhumane practice.

As someone who is concerned with the welfare of our companion animals, I was thrilled to learn that Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal introduced a bill that would ban declawing all type so felines throughout the state of New York. While declawing remains a controversial topic among vets, animal advocates and cat owners, the fact remains that it isn’t a simple procedure that merely removes a cats' nails. Rather, the procedure, which is formally known as a onychectomy, involves surgically removing the last joint in a cat's toe to which the nail is attached. For cats, it's a ten-toe amputation that's done for nothing more than the convenience of owners who value their decor more than the physical and emotional well-being of their feline companions. Rosenthal's bill, A 1297, would ban declawing of cats and other animals and would hold hold both veterinarians and owners accountable under current penal law, with exceptions for cases where the procedure would be medically necessary to treat an underlying condition. Scratching is a natural behavior for cats that they use to mark territory, maintain their nails and stretch, while their claws help them climb and defend themselves.  There are dozens of safe and effective alternatives for cat owners to turn to if they are dealing with destructive behavior that do not include physical mutilation. The practice is widely considered unethical and has already been banned in a number of countries and eight cities in the U.S. I sincerely hope you will act as a leader on this issue by supporting this bill and making yours the first state to ban this inhumane and totally unnecessary practice.
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