A "simple" oil spill that released an estimated 550 litres of fuel off the northern coast of Vancouver Island has been deemed impossible to clean up. Neither skimmer vessels or sorbent materials can risk touching the environmentally rich affected area that a local First Nation relies on for food and income.
The fact that there is no current technology that can recover the remaining oil is unacceptable and goes to show that even relatively small spills can be complicated and do great damage to environments and local economies. In this case, while some of the pollutants will evaporate others will remain in the area for much longer, continuing to degrade the the ecosystem and putting the First Nation's livelihood and health at risk for years to come.
We have been told that the government and petroleum companies know what they are doing and that they have the knowhow and technology to quickly and responsibly clean up any spills that may occur. Yet, time and time again when an accident happens we learn that they are utterly unprepared to deal with these disasters.
It is time we admit that we cannot, in good conscious continue to put our environment and our people at risk in the name of money.
Please join me in asking Prime Minister Trudeau to halt approval of any new pipelines, if we cannot clean up the "simple" spills how can we possibly face the challenges of the more devastating ones that are sure to come?
To Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
Oil spills have devastated hundreds of thousands of miles of coastland across the Americas, destroyed entire ecosystems and laid ruin to the livelihoods of an untold amount of people throughout our great continent. While the US has turned its back on sound economic policy and climate science we look to you for environmentally responsible leadership. That is why I am asking you to please stop the approval of more pipelines in Canada.
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