Demand Girl's Dress Code Reform NOW!

My sister was dress coded at our high school in Ludlow, Massachusetts for wearing an "off the shoulder" romper today. She walked into school and was immediately turned away, being told she had to find something else to wear. She was not showing any part of her bra besides the straps, her upper legs were covered and she was not showing any private parts, naval, etc. The ONLY skin she was showing was her SHOULDERS. How is this distracting? Why sexualize our bodies? This is unnecessary oversexualization. She had to call our mother to have her drive her home, change, then get driven back. She was marked late. She missed class time because her shoulders were visible. Girls everywhere deserve more respect than that. Our education is more important than our shoulders showing. Sign now to support high school females so we can take this to our school board! 

Update #36 years ago
I am proud to announce that Ludlow High School has changed its dress code! I couldn't have gotten this victory as quickly and smoothly as I did without the help and support of everyone who signed the petition and backed me through the entire journey. This wasn't a one person job and I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart that everyone came together to kick start a generation of activism in my small town, much more, the country.
Update #26 years ago
Hi, guys! Recently, my local news station contacted me for a follow up interview and it was broadcasted several times! I also had an article published in my school paper and the Sunday newspaper for my town! The student council and I have a meeting with my principal this Thursday to discuss our proposed dress code and compromise on the next step! Stay tuned for further updates! I cannot wait to see what the outcome will be.
Update #16 years ago
Hey guys! Just a quick update;
I spoke to the student council last week and they are all on board! We wrote a new dress code proposal and plan to take it to administration and school board within the next week. This story was broadcasted on my local radio station, shared on a news website, and I was just interviewed on my local news channel. Also, an article is being written for our school paper! We are succeeding! Let's keep signing and sharing the petition! Thank you for your support!
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