Demand stronger election laws & stop congress from passing HR.1
America is divided more than ever in part because half of America believes their votes/voices were stolen from them. Regardless of your political belief, every elected official should be easing the public by looking at the evidence but instead they declined. The election laws during the 2020 election were changed and beyond flawed. We the people demand that congress create stricter laws such as voter ID, mail-in-ballots for sick or elderly only, and in person voting ON election day and election day only. We should be fixing the problem, not passing a bill that further will create the problem. HR.1 is a direct attack on our democracy and is by no means for "we the people". It is instead for the politicians whom WE the people elect and put into office. We demand that congress listen to the people for what we want is fair and free elections. The right to vote is the greatest part of our democracy and if half of America believes their votes were stolen then we no longer have a democracy. We elected congress to represent us and fight for us, not destroy our voices. Congress needs to remember that they work for us and we DEMAND they stop the bill and create stronger election laws.
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