In many aspects of San Antonio's environment, the city does very well. The city gets a significant portion of their power from clean energy sources and the city has a goal for 1/5 of all energy to be renewable by 2020. However, to fight off the worst of climate change, more must be done. San Antonio must cut its emissions as much as it can which is why I propose the following:
1. Get the city on 100% renewable energy by 2035. Not only will this help the economy and lower energy bills, it will improve local air quality and lower carbon emissions dramatically.
2. Set a target for a certain percentage of electric buses in the cities VIA fleet. Retire older and fuel inefficient models.
3. Run a campaign to raise awareness about climate change and what can be done to alleviate it, such as reducing food waste, reducing use of electricity, and recycling.
If San Antonio does these things, both the people and the enviroment will do very well and all will benefit.