Ask the Scottish Government refuse the application for a golf course on Coul Links, Embo

Well we won! It was turned down and no apeal

The report is now with the Scottish Govrnment, minister Kevin Stewart - he will be making the decision as to whether or not to appprove the planning application. From day one my stance has been that this land is supposidly protected by enviromental laws and if it is passed not an inch of Scotland is protected.

Scottish Government called in the application. There was a public local inquiry. Not Coul was there, putting its third-party evidence forward. This is the first time that this information is examined in detail. When the inquiry ended all the opponants (Not Coul, SNH and the Charity Coalition) were given 2 weeks to send there response to the 4 week hearing. We all met the deadline. The Applicant was given 4 weeks........they took over 15 weeks, they didn't ask for an extension other than originally one week and just decided to be late, and then submitted a document over 700 pages long.

The Reporters are compiling their report to Ministers which will influence the final government decision. This is the crucial stage, where we either win a refusal or we lose Coul Links to golf.

Coul Links is situated on the east coast of the Scottish Highland at Embo by Loch Fleet. An American developer, Todd Warnock, wants to rip it up to build a golf course. It is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and supposedly protected by law. It has triple protection as it is also a Special Protected Area (national designation) and  Ramsar site (International designation). If this goes ahead they may as well scrap the enviromental laws in Scotland.

At the start of the links Scottish Natural Heritage have a sign "No motor vehicles please. Loch Fleet is a protected area for its internationally important salt marshes and sand dune habitats. These soft habitats are very susceptible to surface erosion. Any motor vehicles, such as quad bikes, quickly cause damage which can take many years to recover" Imagine the damage that would be done by the construction vehicles needed to rip up the area to build a golf course.

To destroy an area that is a special place supporting a diverse range of birds, plants and wildlife is sheer vandalism. Triple SI sites are supposed to be protected by law but it seems that if a rich American comes along and wants to build a golf course the law can be changed - Donald Trump did the same in Aberdeen-shire. Please help me stop this happening here.

Contact Highland Council to lodge an objection, as well as signing this petition. The Highland Council planning authority website is: and the case number is: 17/04601/FUL See website for more details

Update #56 years ago
Big news today! The planning officer has recommended refusing the planning application. Now we have to wait to see what the Highland Council planning committee do 😆
Update #48 years ago
See our Facebook page NOT COUL for information and interaction!
Go to our website for all information - take a look at the 'Planning' link and browse the 'site and habitat maps' to see the scale of proposed destruction.
Please continue to share our petition
Update #38 years ago
A quote from one of our Not Coul group ""NOT COUL" definition: Coul is cool the way it is; and changing it is not cool: Do not interfere with it's wild and Natural essence."
Use the following link to see the map of Coul Links, showing the area of the proposed golf course.
Update #28 years ago
Our group now has a website,
Please check it out for lots more information and our contact details.
Update #18 years ago
The petition has attracted the attention of the Scottish press and locals who do not want the development to take place. A support group, "Not Coul" has been formed and we are gathering supporters. Amongtthe many comments that have been made by locals and visitors is that to destroy these beautiful tranquil wild links to build a golf course would mean that the essence of the area would change.
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