Trump would wreck our economy. Don't give him the chance.

Donald Trump likes to pretend he's a business genius, but the reality is he is an utter moron who would wreck our economy if given the chance to be president again. Don't give him the chance.

The list of utterly moronic things Trump has done in business and to the economy is a frighteningly long one:

  • He inherited $400 million and somehow managed to blow it all and go bankrupt -- multiple times.
  • He went bankrupt in the casino business -- a business where people literally line up to hand you as much money as possible.
  • He also went bankrupt selling steak and vodka.  Yes, he couldn't sell STEAK and VODKA!
  • He literally lost $1 billion in a year -- more than any other American. 
  • His company, Trump Media, is down nearly 80% over the last 6 months -- at a time when the stock market was soaring to a record high.
  • As president, he added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.
  • As president, he drove the unemployment rate to the highest level since the great depression.
  • His 20% tarrifs would cost the average family $4,000 a year, and set off a trade war that would devastate US exports and drive us into a recession.

We can go on and on, but suffice to say that Trump may literally be the worst person on earth to run an economy.  He is a moron, and putting him in charge of the economy is like handing your steering wheel over to an extremely stupid monkey.

Add your name, and stop this disaster before it starts: Trump would wreck our economy. Don't give him the chance.

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