Please help me rescue Lily!!!

SPCHS has discriminated against me And are keeping me from adopting a 12 yr old neglected dog that I already have a relationship with. The manager took a disliking to me & has kicked me out, and not allowing me to adopt a dog! She was verbally aggressive with me & when the attitude was reflected back on her she didn't like that! I have continually been asking for the board to intercede and they ignore me for the most part and block me from contact after I informed them I am going forward with legal action! This is not how you run a rescue! You do not let your personal feelings get involved! If I'm a good parent and have a safe & loving environment than I should be allowed to adopt this dog!

Sorry I had to stay silent! Lily has been placed before her hold date is up! Sarah thinks she's god and can play with animals lives and peoples emotions! She has slandered my name, lied to the the board of SPCHS she told my best friend she was in contact with someone who knows me! Impossible! She was talking to the only one who she could say "knew " me! This is no longer about Lily she has been placed , I hope she has a wonderful life with her new parents! Sarah should no longer be able to serve her own agenda at other expense! I'm sure the board believes her when she told them I needed anger mgmt! Did you know that's slander? Did the board ever try to ask me?! No!.

For years a friend of mine and I have seen Lily neglected neither of us thought her treatment was illegal so we would just go and keep her company because it was lack of human contact that was her neglect.  She is now abandoned and we desperately want to give her a forever home. With all the companionship she deserves!

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