Disney+ is streaming a 1955 show called "Man in Space," an episode of the TV series "Disneyland." This show prominently features a known Nazi from World War II, Dr. Wernher von Braun, who was a member of the Nazi Party in Germany and an SS officer.
Wernher von Braun (1912–1977) was a German scientist brought over to the United States in the waning days of World War II to help U.S. engineers win the Space Race against the Soviet Union. Before he built rockets for the U.S., however, he built them for Hitler. The Nazis launched more than 3,000 V-2 missiles designed by von Braun against Britain and other countries, killing some 9,000 civilians and military personnel. Yet even more people died building von Braun's V-2 missiles: as many as 20,000 prisoners perished in concentration camps while being forced to construct the terrifying Nazi "vengeance weapons," which traveled faster than the speed of sound and thus gave no audible warning before impact. Von Braun was not only a member of the Nazi Party but an SS officer—specifically the Allgemeine SS, which was responsible for enforcing the radical policy of Nazi Germany. Let's be clear: von Braun was a war criminal, and rather than being held accountable for his actions he was given a new life in the United States.
Shows on Disney+ have a "details" section that lists who appears in each one, including this Nazi, so anyone can look him up. I have repeatedly written to the company and spoken to them over the phone and online chat, asking them to remove the episode. Yet it is still available for streaming.
The fact that Disney+ has not removed this episode, despite being notified, is indefensible. By their inaction, it seems that Disney+ is saying one can be anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobic, and ableist as long as they have a particular set of credentials.
Disney+ must stop promoting a Nazi. Shame on Disney for celebrating this man.
Now is the time for Disney+ to take a genuine stand for justice.
Sign my petition asking Disney+ to remove the "Disneyland" episode titled "Man in Space."
Dear Mr. Chapek,
We are writing to ask Disney+ to immediately remove "Man in Space," an episode of the TV series "Disneyland," from its streaming service.
The continued promotion of a documentary that highlights a Nazi and SS officer is reprehensible. Disney+ is essentially promoting anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic, and ableist ideology.
When many in the world are uniting against these hateful beliefs, it is inexcusable for Disney+ to be celebrating someone who took an active role in atrocities against humanity.
[Your comments]
Disney+ needs to remove "Man in Space."
Thank you.
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