Horses are not food, they are companion animals, they show emotions and feel pain. Horse slaughter has been banned in the U.S. for sometime now, but there are a few states including Iowa trying to open slaughter plants for horses. Horses endure abuse, starvation, dehydaration, pain and sometimes even death in transport to slaughter houses. If they survived the trip there, they are stunned with a captive bullet in the head, which sometimes misses, even though this is supposed to render them unconscious, it does not always work. The horses are then hoisted in the air with their throat slit as they bleed out, sometime fighting till they die. The horses behind them see and smell death and blood as they near.
If it is not enough to stop horse slaughter because of the pain and suffering these animals go through. Everyone needs to think about the harsh reality. Horses from every aspect of life gets drugs at some point, drugs that are known carcinogenics to people. it starts with wormers, bute, banamine , vaccinations, drugs to make broodmares come in cycle, steroids, etc. Drug residuals stay in the muscles. That is what people will be consuming when they eat horse meat.
Please help us stop horse slaughter. The pain and inhumane cruelty is too much for any animal to have to endure, some of these animals were pampered pets, or racehorses, some of these horses have even been stolen from families. Help us, help horses, we are their voice!!!
Dear Governor Branstad, and Secretary of Agriculture; Bill Northey:
This petition is to show the state of Iowa, that we the people do not want Horse Slaughter to resume in Iowa. I am not only concerned with the cruelty and welfare of horses bound for slaughter, but also the welfare of the people consuming horse meat tainted with drug residue. There is absolutely no possible way of making certain,that horses are drug-free, drugs which are known carcinogenics to humans. You are the longest serving Governor in the state of Iowa because your constituants are your # 1 concern. Please think about the health risk this poses for your state.
Horses are companion animals, they are not food. Please stand up and be the voice for ones who cannot speak, HORSES!
Best regards, Brenda Zoppo