Legalise Pit Bulls In The UK!!

Keeping a pit bull in the uk is illegal, yet keeping a staffie, doberman or a bulldog isn't? Every dog is able to kill to some extent. So why is the pit bull illegal? It's not the breed, it's the owner and I feel pit bulls should be a legal breed.

Pit bulls are lovely dogs, I have seen plenty of videos and images of them acting mother to a baby and showing genuine affection towards human beings. As I said, it has nothing to do with the breed, more so the owner and how they train and act towards their dog! Please, anyone who agrees sign my petition, lets try and get them back where they belong.

Those that have signed this petition, including i, have signed it in order to try and get the pit bull breed legalised as a pet in the uk. We agree that the breed is no more dangerous than any other breed out there and therefore should be accepted into the uk, i for one know i would love a pit bull and there is plenty of proof showng they are an extremley loving and affectionate breed and not all pit bulls are fighters or killers like how people see them. It is not the breed, it is the owner.

Update #19 years ago
thank you so much for signing the petition! I can't believe how many signatures we have in only a few days, and the fact your all from different places is just...amazing! I would just like to thank you all for signing and say that hopefully this petition will be a success!
Another petition I signed, and I think some of you may like to sign - Getting Goldfish As Prizes, I thought I would tell you all of. Sadly I couldn't get the link but if you search it on this website it should come up.
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