After becoming aware of a community page on Facebook named J ambo Kavaje I was . Which proudly shows dog owners using there dogs as fighters for bets to earn them money. Showing pictures of there puppies, which looks innocent but they will be trained to be killers. They show pictures of there scared dogs, training videos, pictures of there new "pets", videos of the fights itself. These inhumane community pages should not be allowed on a social community site, what's "social" about that.
many people reported this page or the videos on which Facebook replied.
"This page is not removed
Thank you for taking the time to report something where from you suggest that this is struggling with the guidelines for the Facebook Community. Reports like yours are important for Facebook to create a safe and enjoyable surrounding. We have inspected the page you reported due to violent images, but we don't consider this in a struggle with the guidelines of Facebook."
How can this be safe and enjoyable. By this petition I hope we can make Facebook consider to think about stopping pages which glorify animal cruelty in any way. It is different when a page is against animal cruelty and exists to stop it then when it exists to brag about it and promoting it.