STOP paying the polluters: Animal factories feast on tax payers subsidies.

Thanks to lobbying, massive animal farms are reimbursed for up to 75% of their costs for animal waste storage, hauling and compliance to the Clean Air Act.  
- Should we have to pay livestock operators to comply with basic laws?  
- Should our tax dollars build the infrastructure for massive meat, egg and dairy factories?
- We need to step up and say NO!!!  Not anymore!!!

The 2013 Farm bill is navigating US Congress right now to replace the Farm bill that expires 9/30/2012.  

- Due to budget cuts, Congress is slashing the food stamp program (SNAP) included in the      Farm Bill.  During the recession some people rely on SNAP to feed their families.
- Instead of cutting SNAP, We want massive Confined Animal Feed Operations (CAFO) subsidies cut from the bill.
    - CAFOs need to start paying for their own clean up and infrastructure.  
    - They have become massive due to all the grain and environmental subsidies.
    - The owners have become rich at the expense of the animals and the environment. 
    - The horrible conditions these animals live in are abominable.  The animals are abused, neglected and confined to crowded unhealthy conditions, given antibiotics to stop disease caused by stress and food that makes them fat and sick.

We can make a difference now with the 2013 Farm Bill.  Please sign.   

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