People Aren't Numbers: Demand An End to the Release of the Peeple App!

  • by: Jennifer Rodriguez
  • recipient: Peeple App creators Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough

Recently, entrepreneurs Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough created an App called Peeple. They claim the app is a "positivity app for positive people" -- but it will likely prove to be anything but.

Scheduled to launch in November, the app allows you to rate others, much like Yelp for humans. You don't have to sign up for the app, but anyone with your phone number can create a listing for you. Then, anyone can rate you between 1 and 5 stars, and indicate whether they know you personally, professionally or romantically.

As we are fully aware of how out of hand cyberbullying can get, it doesn't take much to imagine the damage Peeple will cause. This is about your privacy and your human rights. There's enough surveillance in the world already, and Peeple is taking it a step further -- without consent.

Sign this petition to protect men, women, and especially children who may be deeply emotionally harmed from bullies using Peeple -- tell the creators not to launch this app!

Urge the app creators to consider the countless suicides, harassment, and stalking people deal with on a daily basis online. It's obvious that Peeple will make it even easier to target and harass others. This is technology that has no real use other than a virtual Burn Book that will cause harm to people and victims of abuse without their consent.

Together we can stop this from happening. Nothing "positive" can come from this. Please sign my petition to tell Peeple's creators you do not want this app to be released!

Update #19 years ago
Despite the growing number of people against the Peeple App, Julia Cordray still wishes to release Peeple on the 12 of October. Let's try to make our goal and make it very clear to Apple and Google Inc. that we do not want the launch of this app, despite the changes.
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