In the wake of the January 6th insurrection, Fox News hosts raced to excuse and downplay the appalling attack on our democracy. Ex-host Tucker Carlson used footage obtained from Congressional Republicans to make the preposterous argument that "these were not insurrectionists. They were sightseers."
On top of that, Carlson denounced the Jan. 6 committee led by Democrats in the past Congress, and called out Trump's chief Republican critics Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as "liars" on the panel.
Kick Fox News off the air for excusing the January 6th riot!
Now that 10 members of the Proud Boys extremist group and the Oath Keepers militia have been sentenced to prison for seditious conspiracy, it's clear that Fox News and Tucker Carlson tried to excuse and downplay that sedition.
While Tucker may be gone, Fox News itself has never apologized for or retracted any of his statements. Any network pretending to be in the business of "news" cannot be allowed to continue to profit off of promoting dangerous conspiracy and treason against the United States government, and cable companies should immediately drop Fox.
Kick Fox News off the air for celebrating Trump's insurrection!