Petition calling for the resignation of Cardinal Sean Brady

  • by: Sean Hillen
  • recipient: Cardinal Sean Brady Primate All Ireland; the Catholic Church in Ireland
With so much uncertainty about the future, probably more than at any other time in our history, Ireland requires leadership of the highest moral level from both political and spiritual leaders. In allowing pedophile, Fr. Brendan Smyth, to remain at large and repeatedly abuse children and not inform parents or relevant authorities of the horrendous dangers, Cardinal Sean Brady, Primate of All Ireland, has failed to provide such leadership, has let people down and should voluntarily resign his position immediately.

Just as the people of Ireland spoke out strongly on civil matters with the recent, ‘Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay,’ campaign, so now they speak out on matters spiritual. This ‘Peoples’ Petition’ calls for the immediate voluntary resignation or forced removal of Cardinal Brady, whose failure to act in an acceptable moral fashion, contributed to the continued sexual abuse of a number of young Irish boys and girls as well as those in the US and UK for many years by Smyth, leaving them in mental and physical pain and emptying them of any sense of self-respect well into adulthood.

With so much uncertainty about the future, probably more than at any other time in our history, Ireland requires leadership of the highest moral level from both political and spiritual leaders. In allowing pedophile, Fr. Brendan Smyth, to remain at large and repeatedly abuse children and not inform parents or relevant authorities of the horrendous dangers, Cardinal Sean Brady, Primate of All Ireland, has failed to provide such leadership, has let people down and should voluntarily resign his position immediately.

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