In Teton County, Wyoming, the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative (WPLI) process has engaged stakeholders of all kinds once a month for nearly two years to work out a mutually acceptable future plan for public lands in Teton County. Stakeholders have spent much of their time discussing options for the Palisades Wilderness Study Area (PWSA) in the Snake River Range, where diverse recreational groups from snowmobilers, helicopter skiers, mountain bikers, motorcyclists, to backcountry skiers all currently enjoy access to spectacular backcountry terrain. However, this access does not come without impacts to wildlife, and to the wilderness qualities that human-powered recreationists seek when they venture into the Palisades WSA.
Reaching consensus about recreation management in the Palisades is further complicated by the fact that half of the PWSA falls within Lincoln County, where county commissioners have opted out of the WPLI process. Their stated reason for opting out of the process is that they are not interested in discussing or implementing any rules that might restrict access in any way. In my opinion, this is a short-sighted view that ignores long-term impacts to wildlife and wilderness qualities that we all need.
In particular, backcountry skiers seek areas with relatively easy access from roads into pristine terrain, without the noise of motors or tracks left behind by motorized recreationists. While foot and skier traffic has some impact on wintering wildlife and the feel of wildness, the impacts from motorized vehicles are far greater. Peaceful wild places, within easy access from roads, will become ever more important as the population of Star Valley and Jackson Hole grows, and interest in motorized recreation along with it.
Therefore, as a committee member for Teton County WPLI representing backcountry skiers, I would like to show the Lincoln County Commissioners with your signature that our citizens value quiet backcountry areas that are accessible in one day from local roads. I will be asking my fellow stakeholders on the Teton County WPLI committee to adopt a resolution that would require the US Forest Service to manage a portion of Snake River Canyon as a non-motorized zone. This zone would include much of the mountain ridge between Ferry Peak and Wolf Mountain (red line on map shows the proposed boundary). I will also be proposing two designated motorized access routes through the non-motorized zone that would allow snowmachiners to access more remote terrain at the head of Indian Creek. Those motorized routes would be located along Red Peak's south ridge from Open Canyon, and at the Dry Fork of Wolf Creek. (black lines on map show proposed designated motorized routes).
Anyone who would like to see Snake River Canyon managed as a motor-free zone is encouraged to sign this petition, but it will be especially important for concerned citizens of Lincoln County to sign. Please share with everyone you know from Lincoln County who might like to preserve a bit of our local backcountry as a motor-free zone. Thanks!
Thomas Turiano
Wilson, Wyoming
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