Domestic Abuse And Gang Violence Survivors Deserve Asylum

It's no secret that the Trump administration is staunchly against immigrants entering the United States without permission, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions just shut down a way for especially vulnerable people to come to this country legally for their own protection.

Thousands, particularly from Central America, come to the U.S. each year looking for protection from an abusive spouse or a dangerous gang that's issued threats. Though recently the U.S. has granted asylum to many of these people to guarantee their safety, Sessions has declared that fleeing gang violence or domestic abuse will no longer qualify people for asylum.

Sign the petition if you think domestic abuse and gang violence survivors should be allowed to seek asylum in the U.S. 

Because the attorney general has the authority to give instructions to immigration judges, they will have no choice but to send these poor asylum-seekers back to their home countries... and into danger!

By that token, Sessions also has the authority to think better of this heartless decision and give these desperate people an asylum hearing and a second chance at life.

We call on Sessions to allow these victims of abuse to have a shot at asylum. Please sign and share this petition now.

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