Help Get These Afghan Hounds in Chile Into a Caring Home

  • by: Marla Hart
  • recipient: Afghan Hound Breeders, owners, rescuers

These two Afghan Hounds through no fault of their own find themselves in an horrific circumstance and dreadful condition. They are totally matted from the hindquarters up. They are desperate for help. They were taken from the owner and brought to a vet but by law the vet had to return them even though there has been a public outcry from neighbors and a TV report on the conditions. Now the dogs have been hidden.
There will be a court date Tuesday to determine whether or not the 2 dogs can stay with the current owner.
We--a community of Afghan Hound owners, breeders and rescuers and just plain dog lovers--insist that these dogs live out their lives in a good home and we offer any assistance to that end.

Update #16 years ago
UPDATE 11/25/ After much drama, the Afghan Hounds in Chile have been shaved and bathed. The dogs were not malnourished and had no fear of strangers, a sign they had not been mistreated. Yet they had been neglected. They are 11 and 9 years old, sweet and bonded to one another. An AH vet will be taking a look at them. A reputable, conscientious AH owner has been on scene and will continue to monitor the dogs over coming months. If anything bad were to occur, the dogs would be turned over to him.
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