Dear Sir/Madam,
During my recent visit in Tailand - Koh Samui I have had the unfortunate chance to observe elephants, monkeys - some of them are still babies - and other wilde animals being forced to entertain tourist by getting drugs three times a day meanwhile they are continuously overstressed, phisically hurt and abused, kept within unacceptable circumstances, starved and exhausted.
Until tourists are allowed to pay and visit for such attractions, these animal shows will not stop and these creatures are horribly suffering from it. It has broken my heart seeing how unhappy those elephants, monkeys, and others were while doing their daily duty like real prisoners.
Wilde animals belong to the wilde and were born to enjoy their freedom. Human beings should not under any circumstances take advantage on them!
Elephants are trained for different excercises by a use of a bullhook and other sharpe tools to cause pain if it was "necessary". They and other animals within Na Mueng Park and Mini Zoo in Koh Samui are being put in massive stress in many ways, which rapidly destroys their health and life.
I want this to be stopped once and for all and that tourists should not be able to pay and visit such attractions anymore!
There are many smart ways in the world to attract tourists and create profit for residents, there is no need for animal shows whatsoever!
I sincerely hope that you would find some space deep in your heart and help these devastated creatures by stopping these animal shows permanently in not only Koh Samui, but throughout Thailand.
Yours sincerely,
Szabina Kutasy
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