Demand that GoDaddy & other Internet Service Providers boycott all trophy hunting websites!

  • by: Dr. Leslie Dean Brown
  • recipient: Blake Irving, CEO of Godaddy, CloudFlare, Host Gator, Liquid Web,

These are truly abhorrent, barbaric acts and must be stopped. This is the year 2016. It's not 1916 (or the year 1816 for that matter). This is a small battle in the war against poaching. Right now, if someone is stupid enough to want to be involved in this crime against nature, it's too easy for them to contact hunting safaris and make it happen.

ALL of the following websites are hosted by AMERICAN Internet Service Providers (ISPs). GoDaddy is one of the worst offenders, hosting FIVE websites on this list:

I have recently been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) after struggling with this disease for 20 years. After some 24+ hours of intensive one-on-one grief counselling and therapy, I am finding out that the continuing level disrespect of nature is one of the key factors that contributes to my chronic state of depression. Another is the general apathy towards environmental conservation in the eyes of general public. Most people just aren't doing enough.

I know you all care so very much about animal welfare and protecting biodiversity — I hope you can sign and share to as many people as you know and more!

Good day to you all,
Thank you
– Dr. Leslie Dean Brown

P.S: Please can you all do me a personal favour and leave a one-star review of this trophy master taxidermy's facebook page.

They will make a trophy out of any animal including bobcats, leopards, zebras, brown bear and even polar bear. I didn't know that zebras & polar bears were endemic to North America. If you're really game, tell them to stick with fish and leave the African species off the taxidermy list!

Be warned: you can expect some form of retaliation from them if you do leave a one-star review. They're really nasty, resentful people. Just nasty pieces of work.

They started threating me personally and drew over the top of my face with a dick on it. Well okay I can take that. It's a joke, albeit an infantile one. But then they totally misquoted me (using my image), saying that "I openly wish death upon hunters". I never said that. Words are one thing but images are another. They also don't show their violent quotes and online harassment towards others. One of their members said he would like to see me dead and facebook refuses to take down a copyrighted image of me on their page (saying that "it was just an opinion or comment"). They also put up my personal phone number and website on their page. Some of their comments are still there for everyone to see.

Facebook is definitely taking the trophy hunter's side. So I opted to quit facebook over it. I don't need that shit. It was making me too angry.

For the record, in my opinion I don't think there isn't much difference between a hunter/poacher and serial killer. The only difference is the species that they enjoy killing. Killing for food/survival is one thing, enjoying a hunt to the extent that you want to make a souvenir out of it is another (especially if it involves a high-powered rifle).

They say the best way to honor the animal is to stuff it and mount it on a wall. I told some of them that Gadaffi used to preserve his victim's in a freezer so that he could look back on them decades later. I think there's a strange kind of similarity there between both types of killers.

I think that if poachers truly cared about conservation, they would donate all of the money that they spend on safaris directly towards animal conservation and ask for nothing in return. But no, their priority has always been the killings.

Poachers will make all sorts of claims, even about how they are helping to feed starving families. But if they want to do that then I think they should probably donate to Oxfam instead. Am I right?

Other hunters make the claim that they donate more to conservation in the form of fishing & hunting licenses. They keep repeating that "we don't understand". "We don't understand".

I understand perfectly. I understand that if they donated to an environmental charity instead of spending it on all those guns, ammunition and stuffed animals, that it would be an even better way to conserve nature's biodiversity.

I understand that when nature is left to its own devices, it takes care of itself, like it has done for the last billion years or so. Humans with guns should not take the place of apex predators. Humans don't need to 'manage' it, they need to just stay away.

The real reason they hunt is that they enjoy killing sentient beings. There is something not quite right with people prepared to pay so much money to do that. I think that if poachers/hunters truly enjoy killing that much, they should probably join the military so that they can help defend us against ISIS.

I think that if animals could all shoot back, I don't think there would be quite so many hunters or poachers around (or whatever it is they like to be called).

I think people should keep an eye on this wikipedia page about taxidermy. I have included a new section called "controversy".

Update #55 years ago
ISPs are completely ignoring this. I ask supporters to do all the animals a big big favour: go here and leave a one star review on as many facebook pages as you have time for. Spending 5 minutes doing this, is worth more than signing loads of petitons. Trust me, when they see their ratings go from 5 stars to below 2, it pisses them off no end.
Update #45 years ago
Do you know what? Better to visit and leave a whole bunch of 1-star reviews. More: Let them know that it is sick, twisted and definitely *not* okay. Lie through your teeth if you have to! Say they stole your deposit money. Say it was a scam. And you will see their ratings drop to below 2/5. And I just quit facebook because they allow too many trophy hunting websites.
Update #35 years ago
"We have reviewed your complaint but are unable to take action without a court order. For more information regarding how we can assist with court documentation... If a court order is not the option you wish to pursue, we would recommend contacting the registrant of the domain if you haven't done this already. The registrant is responsible for the content of the site and may not be aware of your issue." Like I said — PATHETIC! share! share! share! share! share!
Update #25 years ago
GoDaddy's first "official response" was ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC: "GoDaddy's goal is the keep the Internet safe, while enabling the exchanging of thoughts and ideas, even if we disagree with their views. While this can be tough sometimes, we think it is overall the best possible experience." See their full reply [and mine] here:
Update #15 years ago
I sent a message to Blake Irving, CEO of GoDaddy, three days ago. No response so far; seems I am not important enough. Just sent a msg to TEN of the most important/influential people at GoDaddy: Tyler Butler– the corporate social responsibility officer; Phile Bienert– chief marketing officer; Stefano Maruzzi– Vice President Europe, Middle East and Africa; Noah Plumb– Senior Social Media Manager; Karen Tillman– Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer. Let's see what they have to say.
Update #53 years ago
Hello, I have another petition I would like you to sign. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment! Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Update #48 years ago
Do you know what? Better to visit and leave a whole bunch of 1-star reviews. More: Let them know that it is sick, twisted and definitely *not* okay. Lie through your teeth if you have to! Say they stole your deposit money. Say it was a scam. And you will see their ratings drop to below 2/5. And I just quit facebook because they allow too many trophy hunting websites.
Update #39 years ago
"We have reviewed your complaint but are unable to take action without a court order. For more information regarding how we can assist with court documentation... If a court order is not the option you wish to pursue, we would recommend contacting the registrant of the domain if you haven't done this already. The registrant is responsible for the content of the site and may not be aware of your issue." Like I said — PATHETIC! share! share! share! share! share!
Update #29 years ago
GoDaddy's first "official response" was ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC: "GoDaddy’s goal is the keep the Internet safe, while enabling the exchanging of thoughts and ideas, even if we disagree with their views. While this can be tough sometimes, we think it is overall the best possible experience." See their full reply [and mine] here:
Update #19 years ago
I sent a message to Blake Irving, CEO of GoDaddy, three days ago. No response so far; seems I am not important enough. Just sent a msg to TEN of the most important/influential people at GoDaddy: Tyler Butler– the corporate social responsibility officer; Phile Bienert– chief marketing officer; Stefano Maruzzi– Vice President Europe, Middle East and Africa; Noah Plumb– Senior Social Media Manager; Karen Tillman– Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer. Let's see what they have to say.
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