Protect water bodies in Haryana: Safeguard right to water and fresh air.
The Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds along with People for Animals (PFA) Haryana, Pashu Pakshi Raksha Adhikar Samiti under World Council of Arya Samaj with consultation of United Nation affiliated International Organisation for Animal Protection observed that the waste material of polythene & plastic spoiling our water bodies, chocking sewers, creating hurdles on the flow of drainage, besides it the level of oxygen goes down, responsible for the death of water body life, which needs immediate attention as retired Block Development & Panchyat Officer Ch. Om Parkash Kadyan with Child Development & Project Officer Mrs. Saroj Grewal with the Commissioner of Education Mrs. Sukanya Berwal monitored the Swachta movement, on the eve of International Non-Violence Day October 2, 2018. Scout team of Yash Hooda along with Rakesh Narwal, Fisheries Officer was motivated along with Gram Panchyat of village Titoli, on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti towards cleanliness of water bodies, because:
Commemorating 150 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi for a period of two year from 2nd October 2018 to 2nd October, 2020 and I being Commissioner (Headquarter), Bharat Scouts & Guides, Haryana opening the protection movement of the water bodies from village Titoli. We needs:
Hence all concerned may kindly be directed to support the protection of water bodies in Haryana during said period, restoring five freedoms of animals & birds along with our fellow citizens.
With scouting spirit.....Naresh Kadyan, Commissioner, BSG, Haryana
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