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Please also sign the letter from Coyote Watch Canada, link below.
Despite pleas from animal lovers, Ottawa has, once again, hired a trapper to kill coyotes in Riverside Park. The killing started October 14, 2022.
The trapper is patrolling the Riverside South neighbourhood for weeks due to a series of alleged pet conflict incidents. Residents were disturbed to find coyotes running around with traps stuck on them.
Killing coyotes, even specific animals, makes the problems worse. More animals move in, and orphaned animals are forced to eat human food. Hazing techniques used by Coyote Watch Canada, or special permission from the MNRF to relocate more than 1km could instead be employed.
The MNRF should also permanently remove the 1km release restrictions for coyotes, bears, and other large wildlife.
In 2008, Ottawa hired trappers to kill coyotes. They are now repeating this type of behaviour again, by hiring a trapper to kill animals.
We would like Ottawa to provide a non lethal approach. Removing an animal through lethal means puts the public at risk, and allows another animal to move in.
Please recommend that coyote education be given to all citizens. There is far too much misinformation out there. Please work with Coyote Watch Canada, Ottawa Humane Society, Ottawa Carleton Wildlife Centre, and Rideau Wildlife Sanctuary.
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