Non-English Speakers at 25x Higher Death Risk During Childbirth in the UK. Demand Change!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: UK Department of Health and Social Care

England has a serious childbirth problem. Black people in England are four times more likely to die during childbirth than their white counterparts. People who do not speak English face even more dire statistics, with a risk of death up to 25 times higher. These disparities are a national disgrace, highlighting a deadly systemic breakdown in care that must be rectified immediately.

Sign the petition to demand the UK Department of Health and Social Care address these shocking disparities in maternal health outcomes!

This isn't just about language barriers; it's about a systemic failure to provide person-centered care that respects and understands the unique needs of every person giving birth.

The current state of maternal health care for Black, South Asian, and non-English speaking women in the UK is not just alarming — it's unacceptable. The NHS must transition from patient-centered to person-centered care, ensuring that every mother, regardless of her background, receives the respect, attention, and medical care she deserves.

Sign the petition to demand the Department of Health and Social Care to step up and ensure the NHS is equipped and funded to save these mothers and babies!

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