Make it illegal in Australia to breed cats, dogs and horses for 4 years.
- by: Sue Wetherell
- recipient: Prime Minister, Tony Abbott / Federal Agriculture Minister, Barnaby Joyce
Every day in Australia hundreds of unwated dogs, cats and horses are put to sleep. Some animals have been loyal pets for years but their owners no longer want them or can no longer care for them and others are young and too frisky for their owner. Some are sick and nobody wants to pay got get them better: whatever the reason, there are too many unnecessary deaths.
If it was against the law to breed a cat, dog or horse, (with, let's say, a fine of $10,000 or 3 months jail per animal born) the rate of births would have to drop dramatically. This would reduce the number of unnecessary deaths and heartache.
If people want to buy a pet, they would have to go to a shelter and get a pre-loved or unwanted animal. The aim of this petition is to have a more compassionate country with thoghtful people who actually care about the animals in it, not the money they can make from breeding them.
We can't send this petition to the Animal Welfare Minister because there isn't one any more: part of Tony Abbott's cuts!
Every day in Australia hundreds of unwated dogs, cats and horses are put to sleep. Some animals have been loyal pets for years but their owners no longer want them or can no longer care for them and others are young and too frisky for their owner. Some are sick and nobody wants to pay got get them better: whatever the reason, there are too many unnecessary deaths.
If it was against the law to breed a cat, dog or horse, (with, let's say, a fine of $10,000 or 3 months jail per animal born) the rate of births would have to drop dramatically. This would reduce the number of unnecessary deaths and heartache.
If people want to buy a pet, they would have to go to a shelter and get a pre-loved or unwanted animal. The aim of this petition is to have a more compassionate country with thoghtful people who actually care about the animals in it, not the money they can make from breeding them.
We can't send this petition to the Animal Welfare Minister because there isn't one any more: part of Tony Abbott's cuts!
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