Prosecute Hoarders of 54 Small to Medium animals in Kentucky

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Whitesville, Kentucky and the Ohio County Sheriff's Department

Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites in an effort to seek severe charges and punishment for those responsible in the animal hoarding case in Whitesville, Kentucky. When under investigation, Sheriff Department discovered that before small to medium dogs living in horrific conditions.

A recent investigation by the animal rescue and Ohio County Sheriff's Department discovered that approximately 54 small to medium dogs were running loose and living in a trailer and small yard in Whitesville, Kentucky. The animals included pregnant dogs and cats newborn litters living in this dilapidated trailer. All the animals were in poor condition, extremely dirty and covered with parasites.

No food was present for the animals, and the water available was dirty and broken buckets outdoors with visible algae growth. One of the investigators stated that “The conditions were typical of hoarding, which is a compulsive emotional attachment to things or animals, that often leads to a situation like this that causes immense suffering for both the animals and people involved. All of these animals are innocent victims and I commend the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department and Animal Shelter for acting quickly and working with us to bring this very sad situation to an end."

The investigation came as a result of a tip concerning the neglect observed of several dogs. All the animals have been seized and are being held at various shelters while all being medically examined by a veterinarian. Authorities currently have not released the names of those possible for the situation state that they take animal cruelty such as this very seriously. We are asking for your help in this situation, to gain justice for all these sweet animals, by signing and sharing this petition to ensure that these animal borders held accountable for the pain and suffering these pets have endured.

Whitesville, Kentucky and the Ohio County Sheriff's Department - You need to ensure that those responsible for the hoarding situation of these 54 small to medium animals are prosecuted and brought to justice. These people need to be severely charged and punished for their responsibility that resulted in animal abuse, cruelty and neglect. Along with charges, fines and jail time, and these people from other owning or carrying or any other animals the rest of their lives.

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