Save the Pangolin, the Most Trafficked Animal in the World!

The pangolin is disappearing from Asia so fast that experts have no idea how many there are left in the wild!

Don't know what a pangolin is? They are a scaled, anteater-like mammal that is being trafficked at an alarming rate.

Pangolins are gentle, shy, nocturnal creatures whose scales are hard and made out of keratin (similar to fingernails or horse hooves). They roll up into a little ball when threatened to protect their soft underbelly. 

Pangolins are served at restaurants throughout Asia and are considered an exotic status symbol. They are kept alive until a customer orders them. Their scales are mistakenly believed to hold medicinal properties, so people will pay a small fortune to eat or use pangolin products.

Little is known about the pangolin because they are highly succeptable to stress and often die unexpectedly in captivity. 

Sign this petition to help raise awareness of this mysterious, unique animal so that the authorities in China and Vietnam will enforce the existing laws that protect the pangolins.

To find out more info about the adorable, elusive, endangered pangolin, read John D. Sutter's wonderful article

You can also visit for more info about them and how you can help!


We are writing to tell you that we want to see the pangolin come off the endangered species list! Until recently, many people did not know that pangolins existed. Now that we do, we want our government to help in any way that we can to help stop the illegal trade of pangolins in China and Vietnam.

Please help their government raise penalties, add more laws protecting these animals, and exact swift justice to those caught and convicted of this terrible crime!

I know you can help!

Thank you, 

From all of us

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