Justice for all pit bulls in the world no dog or animal should go thru this

  • by: Pinkie
  • recipient: Hennessy

My baby was shot in the stomach and left to bleed out in the driveway on July 5, 2015. Cause the police was on call due to a dog attack. And they shot the wrong one for the fact that she was a pitbull and the fact that pit bulls have bad names as is. She was not aggressive she was a kind loving family dog that loved kids and other dogs she ain't deserve to die like that for another dog attacking the lady she gets her life taken from her. And cause of another dog she gets put down. That is it right what they did to my baby. Like I lost a family member due to that. She was like my daughter. She never harmed anyone not even another animal. She was the best I could it have asked for a better dog then what I had. Now it's like I have to start all over. Pitbull ain't mean or aggressive it's how u train them and how u bring them up they can be the loving sweetest animal or they can be like ever other dog out there. And it ain't just pit bulls it all dogs u have to show them love caring respect as if it was ur kid and they can be that loving sweet animal back its all on how u raise them babies and my baby was no where like that she loved everyone and anyone. She played with my niece when she was 2 she protected my niece when she was outside. She would walk with me and let ppl pet her and she had her tail going she was my baby my protection my world.. And now she gone due to stupid people and due to pitbulls having bad names.. God rest her soul. Even thou she in a better place I so wish she was here by my side still. It's time I move on and raise my other two and make sure they safe and stay away from harm only if I could have done the same for her 

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