Weither their child was 15 or 51 at the time they were murdered within Winnipeg it should have never happened. We need our Government and Police Services to step in and not necessarily only administer punishments for crimes already committed but prevention!
We need our Police to have a positive influence in our Community and also make their presence known for the law abiding citizens who are scared and to show the negative influences in our society that we are not going to put up with this anymore.
We need our Government to add more funding to gang prevention, to children and youth programming, we need to take an active roll in being positive roll models for our children and youth as citizens and residents of Winnipeg, but ALSO require this from our Government and well known public figures.
We are at the point now where a child in the North End can wake up to find a dead body in front of their home, that peoples homes are being shot at, innocent children and youth are being caught up in the cross fire, the suburbs are experiencing what was only happening in the core areas.
Step up! Change is needed! Be our voice at our Government levels!