US House: Pass H. Con. Res.241, expressing support for State joint custody laws.

To the Members of the United States House of Representatives:

We are delighted that you have unanimously passed H. Res. 474: "Recognizing the immeasurable contributions of fathers in the healthy development of children, supporting responsible fatherhood, and encouraging greater involvement of fathers in the lives of their children, especially on Father's Day".

This resolution, which acknowledges the importance of fatherhood, the valuable role that fathers play in their children's lives, encourages responsible fatherhood, and thanks the millions of fathers in the United States for their dedication, is long overdue.

We feel now that the best way for the House of Representatives to reinforce its good work in this regard would be to pass H. Con. Res. 241.

H. Con. Res. 241, "Expressing the support for the enacting of joint custody laws for fit parents, so that more children are raised with the benefits of having a father and a mother in their lives", reaffirms the fact that fathers play an indispensable role in their children's lives, but notes that an alarming percentage of children in the United States live apart from their biological fathers, the result being that said fathers are unable to bestow their benevolent influence upon their children, unable to foster the children's proper emotional and intellectual growth, development of math and verbal skills, and general security and well-being.

It posits that a way to rectify this disturbing problem and to encourage responsible parenting and active involvement in children's lives by both mothers and fathers is to encourage joint custody laws so that children are shared between their parents, and therefore resolves that Congress expresses support of the States passing said joint custody laws.

Once again, We the Undersigned applaud the House of Representatives for acknowledging, through H. Res. 474, the indispensable role that fathers play in their children's lives and in the community. It is therefore for the good of the children, and of the nation, that the House of Representatives, and eventually also the Senate, express support for the States to provide for the ability of all fit fathers to fulfill that role, by passing H. Con. Res. 241.

The Undersigned
To the Members of the United States House of Representatives:

We are delighted that you have unanimously passed H. Res. 474: "Recognizing the immeasurable contributions of fathers in the healthy development of children, supporting responsible fatherhood, and encouraging greater involvement of fathers in the lives of their children, especially on Father's Day".

This resolution, which acknowledges the importance of fatherhood, the valuable role that fathers play in their children's lives, encourages responsible fatherhood, and thanks the millions of fathers in the United States for their dedication, is long overdue.

We feel now that the best way for the House of Representatives to reinforce its good work in this regard would be to pass H. Con. Res. 241.

H. Con. Res. 241, "Expressing the support for the enacting of joint custody laws for fit parents, so that more children are raised with the benefits of having a father and a mother in their lives", reaffirms the fact that fathers play an indispensable role in their children's lives, but notes that an alarming percentage of children in the United States live apart from their biological fathers, the result being that said fathers are unable to bestow their benevolent influence upon their children, unable to foster the children's proper emotional and intellectual growth, development of math and verbal skills, and general security and well-being.

It posits that a way to rectify this disturbing problem and to encourage responsible parenting and active involvement in children's lives by both mothers and fathers is to encourage joint custody laws so that children are shared between their parents, and therefore resolves that Congress expresses support of the States passing said joint custody laws.

Once again, We the Undersigned applaud the House of Representatives for acknowledging, through H. Res. 474, the indispensable role that fathers play in their children's lives and in the community. It is therefore for the good of the children, and of the nation, that the House of Representatives, and eventually also the Senate, express support for the States to provide for the ability of all fit fathers to fulfill that role, by passing H. Con. Res. 241.

The Undersigned
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