Turkish government shut down by court order the internet connection to sites that are crucial and necessary for worldwide communication. Sites such as Youtube.com, videogoogle.com, wordpress.com, ateist.com, ateizm.com virb.com, ustream.tv, imeem.org,megupload.com geocities.com, tagged.com, richarddawkins.net and several others are no longer accessible to those living in Turkey and they remain banned. Please visit the sites below for further information on banned sites and protests in Turkey.www.opennet.net
The law that allows for the blocking of domain names stands. Blogger and blogspot.com domains were recently banned and unbanned in October 28th while courts await further evidence, in the mean time millions of bloggers continue to live with their blogs being blocked and unblocked. Turkish court that previously blocked Blogger requested "missing evidence" but made it clear that the ban could be reintroduced after the legal procedure is completed by the prosecutor.The banned sites allow access to the free world of ideas and provide sources of information for all citizens. We demand that Turkish government stops unilateral internet and press control and repression. For a truly democratic Turkey we demand to have all internet connection sites operational. Turkey's
NATO membership and EU membership ambitions seem paradoxical to the infringement on the freedom of press and speech of its citizens by banning sites like Blogger and YouTube. The ban is self defeating as the EU is making a blacklist of censoring countries and also is creating software for people in these countries to use to bypass the censorship (see:
Global Online Freedom Act)Thank you.
Mahkeme karari ile Youtube.com, videogoogle.com, wordpress.com, ateist.com, ateizm.com virb.com, ustream.tv, imeem.org,megupload.com geocities.com, tagged.com, richarddawkins.net ve bunun gibi internet sitelerinin kapatilmasini protesto ediyoruz.Sansure Sansur Kampanyasini destekliyoruz.Bireysel ozgurlugumuzun kisitlanmasini, sivil haklarimizin elimizden alinmasini protesto ediyor, serbest yayin, basin internet 'e hakkimiz oldugunu , bireysel, dunya vatandasi olarak, insan olarak dusunce ozgurlugumuz, fikir, yayin, basin, konusma, paylasma, bilim ve sanat arastirma ve katilimim ve paylasim icin gereken acik topluma demokratik ulkemizde hakkimiz oldugunu bildiriyor saygilarimiz ile demokrasi temeline ters dusen yasaklarin kaldirlmasini istiyoruz. Lutfen bu siteleri ziyaret ediniz:
www. kampanya.org.tr/sansur
We the undersigned,
We protest the ban on the internet sites. %uFFFDSites such as blogger.com, Youtube.com, videogoogle.com, wordpress.com, ateist.com, virb.org, megaupload.com, ustream.tv, imeem.org, geocities.com, tagged.com, richarddawkinks.net and several others are not accessible to those living in Turkey. These sites are globally used by millions not only for entertainment purposes but also for genuinely serious information exchanges: %uFFFDpostings in arts,educational,medical, political,social,legal and many other fields %uFFFDfrom blogs of individuals to blogs of institutions and small to large foundations, to political parties and %uFFFDall kinds of groups, to forums %uFFFDfrom all over the world make use of the sites. We are bewildered why the authorities would take such despotic steps and would narrow the country's vision instead of %uFFFDtrying to broaden it. %uFFFDRepressing %uFFFDthe intelligent, entrepreneurial, talented Turkish youth will not only stop the exposure to diversity and %uFFFDthe eager young minds from learning but also prevent them from forming their own critical opinions.%uFFFDWe as citizens of Turkey and citizens of the World ask the Turkish government to join the truly democratic Nations and to leave the League of tyrannical and despotic regimes by eradicating the notion that government can unilaterally control press and shut down internet sites without justification.We demand a %uFFFDfree press and free exchange of ideas in Turkey!We demand for our youth to live in the world not apart from it!%uFFFDFor a true democracy we demand all internet sites to be operational in Turkey!%uFFFD
Thank you.Please visit both sites for further information about bans on sites and protests in Turkey.www.kampanya.org.tr/sansur
Turkiye de internet sitelerinin bloke olmasini protesto ediyoruz. Youtube, ateizm, geocities, tagged, wordpress, richarddawkins.net ve buna benzer yuzlerce sitenin yasak olusunu, %uFFFDdunya ile olan iliskimizin bu sekilde kisistlanmasini, %uFFFDfikir alisverisini yasaklayan zihniyeti kabul etmiyoruz.%uFFFD%uFFFDTurk insaninin %uFFFDsivil haklarina saygi gostermenizi saygilarimizla rica ediyor, demokrasinin ilk kuralinin bireysel ozgurluk, fikir ozgurlugu, basin ve iletisimin serbestligi oldugunu da belirtmek istiyoruz. %uFFFDBu yasaklari kaldirin, Turkiyeyi 21.ci yuzyila ileriye donuk yasama hazirlayin. Tesekkur ediyoruz.
SANSURE SANSUR kampanyasini destekliyoruzwww.kampanya.org.tr/sansur